Hair Restoration Procedures. Want or need?

In recent years, male grooming has evolved to a booming sector of modern industry and has empowered men to seek solutions to improve their appearance. With everyone having access to the internet, men can easily research what contemporary aesthetic medicine can offer. This is also facilitated by the factor that a man looking after himself and wanting to age gracefully is no longer a taboo, as the beauty industry is no longer a privilege for females.

Avoiding scarring and depletion of the donor in large FUE sessions

The hair transplant industry has moved to a new dimension by offering successful results by the FUE technique. The history of the industry has evolved through the years with continuous research and innovation. Punch grafting, micro grafting are terms that belong in the past. Also the Strip method in recent years has developed to use single follicular units and complicated closure techniques

Hair Transplant results in Cyprus

The beauty of this technique is that it uses no knife, no scalpel, no stitches and leaves no linear scaring. It is a truly minimally invasive surgery fast healing. It is presently the most advanced hair transplantation technique in the world.

State of the Art Hair Transplants in Cyprus

To start with, we need to say that the principal behind hair transplant surgery stems from the permanency of some hair. While some hair on your scalp has a transient life span, other hair tends to endure for a lifetime. It was found that permanent hair could be moved to any other part of the head and it can continue to grow and behave as if it were still in its original site.

Ποιά είναι η διαφορά μεταξύ των μεθόδων μεταμόσχευσης μαλλιών FUE & Strip?

Η μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών είναι μια μόνιμη μέθοδος αποκατάστασης μαλλιών κατά την οποία χρησιμοποιούνται τα δικά σου μαλλιά. Μεγαλώνουν επί μονίμου βάσεως, αφού τα μαλλιά που τοποθετούνται αφαιρούνται από τη δότρια περιοχή που βρίσκεται στο πίσω μέρος του κεφαλιού και έχουν μονιμότητα για μια ζωή, σε αντίθεση με τα μαλλιά στο πάνω μέρος του κεφαλιού, τα οποία πέφτουν λόγω γενετικής δομής.

Did you know that HDC Hair Transplant Clinic, provides free accommodation to all overseas patients?

As our clinic is situated in the City Centre of Nicosia Cyprus, all patients travelling from Europe or other countries are offered our hospitality services so as to make them feel at home.
Our driver will pick up from the airport all patients travelling from abroad and drive them to one of our self-catering apartments or studios which are situated right next to the clinic.
HDC has available for accommodation 2 two bedroom apartments and two studios as illustrated below:

Want to know how you can solve your hair loss problem once and for all?

The HDC Hair Transplant Clinic is an international center specializing in both FUE and Strip restoration methods. HDC is a leading hair transplant clinic in Europe, with a full-time staff of 3 certified surgeons and 5 highly specialized technicians, implementing over 250 hair transplant sessions per year.

Learn about Non Medical Solutions to Baldness

These non-medical Techniques are known as Prosthetics. They refer to the use of a hair system. This is a product made of human hair, which is grafted to a man’s or a woman’s scalp. Today’s hair replacement systems are a secure and convenient hair loss solution for those who do not opt for surgical hair restoration.